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NCSRP Mission

NCSRP will serve as a bridge between state and national soybean organizations and will be the recognized leader in funding and communicating basic and applied soybean research programs that are highly collaborative and uniquely appropriate in addressing soybean production, profitability and environmental sustainability for growers across the North Central region.

The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) is recognized as a leader in multi-state collaborative research and outreach efforts to support soybean farmers and drive the soybean industry forward. The focus of NCSRP is soybean production research and extension outreach. NCSRP’s emphasis on enhancing and protecting soybean yield through genetics, basic biology, physiology, molecular biology,...

Top Research Funding Areas

Most NCSRP checkoff funding goes to large, multifaceted, multidiscipline, multistate research, teaching and outreach programs that encompass several objectives and projects primarily directed at genetically and agronomically increasing soybean yield...

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of

- Improving soybean genetic gain and yield potential through traditional breeding, molecular breeding, and biotechnology, including gene editing
- Understanding soybean interactions with weeds, diseasing-causing pathogens, soybean cyst nematodes,...

Recent Innovative Research Projects

Financial Overview: FY2023
Total dollar amount of all FY2023 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects

NCSRP State Partners

The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) invests checkoff dollars from producers in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in basic and applied...