Updated April 27, 2021:
The “MU Certified” Strip Trial Program is a signature program helping farmers validate document efficiency and environmental stewardship. The program is a collaboration between Missouri farmers, MU Extension, Missouri Soybean
Merchandising Council, Missouri Corn Growers Association, and the Missouri Fertilizer Board.
The strip trial program relies on our farmer advisory panel to help prioritize trials available each year. Advisory members
are Robert Alpers (Prairie Home), Neal Bredehoeft (Alma), Matt Lambert (Brookfield), Mark Lehenbauer (Hannibal), Brian
Lehman (Versailles), Aaron Porter (Dexter), Dylan Rosier (Mound City), Linus Rothermich (Auxvasse), Doug Thomas (Brashear), and Jules Willot (Laddonia) who are joined by industry representative Scott Wilburn (MFA, Laddonia).
Cover crops have many benefits including providing soil cover and increasing water infiltration and water holding
capacity. Soybeans have a dynamic role in the cover crop story. On one hand, soybean yield can increase following a cover crop (Bar Chart, green bars). But when cover crop follows soybean ahead of corn, corn yields can suffer
The farmer panel overseeing strip trial options has emphasized the importance of finding solutions to low yield when a cover crop follows soybean ahead of corn. In fall 2020, we initiated a new trial option that builds residue ahead of soybean by planting soybean “into the green”. In this trial we track a field two years: first year tracking soybean yield after planting into the green, and in the second year, tracking corn planted into the resulting higher residue. The treatment is compared to a no-cover control. Three of these trials were initiated this fall. The “MU Certified” Strip Trial program remains committed to helping soybean farmers find the best management strategies for using cover crops with soybeans.