Specific project objectives:
1) Provide timely, unbiased and independent information to soybean growers in Kentucky to help in selecting the best varieties for their production systems. The information provided by the trials aids Kentucky soybean producers with selecting varieties that will give the highest total production for their production systems. The trials are conducted to provide an unbiased and objective estimate of the relative performance of soybean varieties commercially available in Kentucky. Performance, defined as yield and seed quality, is evaluated by testing the varieties genetics as whole. Cultivars in the trials are commercially available and entered by commercial seed companies, and state and federal institutions.
2) Monitor environmental conditions affecting directly soybean yield and seed quality Kentucky lies within three major physiographic regions: the Appalachian Plateau, the Interior Lowlands, and the Coastal Plain. Within the state, six smaller regions may be identified, based on their underlying rock structures: Mountain, Knobs, Bluegrass, Pennyrile, Western Coalfield, and Purchase. Geological and drainage differences caused different terrain and soil conditions to develop over millions of years, creating differing capabilities for today’s agriculture. Most of soybean production today is centered in western Kentucky, with a gradual expansion toward central and eastern Kentucky. In addition to soil differences, soybean production areas experience different temperatures and rain amounts over the course of each soybean growing season. Collecting detailed environmental data will allow soybean producers to compare the environments of their own agronomic systems to those in which the soybean variety performance tests are conducted.
3) Promote the development of better recommendations to soybean producers in Kentucky The objective is to monitor the environmental conditions under which the trials are conducted to evaluate the effect of the environmental conditions on yield and seed quality at each location, and to integrate this information in the variety performance evaluation to develop better recommendation for farmers.
4) Promote the development of a database to facilitate open data access to soybean producers and scientists investigating soybean performance in Kentucky The objective of the digital database is to develop a tool to provide an easy and timely access to information relevant to soybean performance in Kentucky. 5) Improve the long–term sustainability of the Kentucky Soybean Variety Performance Tests program The funds requested in this proposal will support the technician position. This position provides essential support for timely agricultural management of the soybean trials, and data collection.