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Will the Increased Planting of Indeterminate Soybean Varieties Extend the Time Corn Earworm Can Infest Soybeans?
Sustainable Production
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Dominic Reisig, North Carolina State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Corn earworm is historically the most yield limiting pest in North Carolina soybean production. The robust threshold recommendations that were developed to effectively manage this pest were developed with determinate soybean varieties, however the adoption of indeterminate varieties produced in this state increases every year and what is now needed is robust recommendations to manage this pest in indeterminate soybean varieties. This need is especially critical as seed companies develop indeterminate soybean varieties in maturity groups where this growth habit has been traditionally unavailable (=MG5). Preliminary work indicates that corn earworm management thresholds likely should not vary...
Information And Results
Project Summary

Corn earworm is historically the most yield limiting pest in North Carolina soybean production. The robust threshold recommendations that were developed to effectively manage this pest were developed with determinate soybean varieties, however the adoption of indeterminate varieties produced in this state increases every year and what is now needed is robust recommendations to manage this pest in indeterminate soybean varieties. This need is especially critical as seed companies develop indeterminate soybean varieties in maturity groups where this growth habit has been traditionally unavailable (=MG5). Preliminary work indicates that corn earworm management thresholds likely should not vary between determinate and indeterminate varieties. However, infestation timing might differ, since corn earworms prefer to lay eggs in flowering beans and since indeterminate varieties flower over a longer time period than determinate varieties. This could result in scouting for earworms longer in indeterminate varieties and potentially needing to retreat some fields. The proposed research seeks to determine if corn earworm infestation timings vary for the indeterminate soybean varieties now being produced more widely across the state relative to determinate varieties. We will continue
to explore if thresholds should vary for determinate and indeterminate soybean varieties. This proposed research will support a graduate student in the NC State Entomology Program and will be conducted from 2021-2023. The impact of corn earworm pressure will be quantified with both a determinate and indeterminate soybean varieties. Data collected will include: corn earworm eggs number, corn earworm larvae number, soybean maturity, and soybean grain
yield. The proposed research will provide foundational management information for corn earworm in indeterminate soybean varieties in North Carolina and will be part of comprehensive management recommendations targeting indeterminate soybean varieties developed by the NC State Soybean Extension Team.

Project Objectives

1. To determine if indeterminate varieties are prone to corn earworm infestation over a longer time period than determinate varieties

2. To continue to evaluate whether the corn earworm threshold should vary for determinate and indeterminate varieties

3. To provide updated recommendations on managing corn earworm in indeterminate varieties in North Carolina

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.